888-411-0557    info@stpaulgroup.com

Our Purchase Criteria

The following are  general guidelinea we use to purchase mobile home parks. Please note that this is not a strict criteria – we make exceptions if a property has strong attributes. If you are owner, lender, broker, or wholesaler interested in selling a park, please contact us.

St Paul Group
2443 Fillmore St #340-1992, San Francisco, CA 94115

Location: Nationwide, with focus on the Midwest states.
Metro areas – population of 100,000 or more within 5 miles
Strong economic area with job diversity
Price: $500,000 to $2,000,000
Number of Lots: 40 to 300 spaces
Occupancy: 50% to 90%
Utilities: Municipal water and sewer preferred
Seller Financing: Preferred, but not required

Send us your park information to start the discussion.

Enter Your MH Park Information

Your Name:
Park Name:
Park Address:
Reason for Selling:
Number of Sites:
Average Lot Rent:
Water:  Municipal Well
Sewer:  Municipal Septic Treatment Plant Lagoon